Send your inquiries to

Include your phone number along with part photos and questions.

We find parts based on the information provided by the customer.

Good and complete information leads to good results.

Provide complete photos of the part from angles (top, bottom, sides, and full view).

Our goal is to get it right the first time.

Do not send videos as they are executable files we cannot pre-scan.

We are here to assist you in identifying and providing hot tub parts from the Quality Spa Parts Company.

If you’re ready to order, we’re glad to help.

To help us serve you better, please be on our site for parts ID help.

Homeowner or contractor, provide information that identifies the hot tub part you’re inquiring about.

We strive for accuracy and do not make assumptions.

Include photos of labels/tags and part numbers off of the parts or a referenceable part number.

Orders will ship fast and we’re available 7 days a week


Please be on our site when you call.

Our hours are M - F

8 am - 9 pm Eastern Time

7 am - 8 pm Central Time

6 am - 7 pm Mountain Time

5 am - 6 pm Pacific Time

On weekends and holidays

You can reach us via email or phone from 9 a.m. - 5 pm EST.

Calls are forwarded to the available salesperson for general product assistance.

Please note that we do not have any Blowup Spa Parts and do not accept samples.

Part requests and any assistance are offered as a courtesy to our customers.

We recommend parts but do not guarantee results.

For your safety, if you are not qualified to perform the repair, please hire a professional.

Any damage done during the installation of equipment voids any return acceptance.

Here are the recommended replacement times for various hot tub components based on historical failure rates:

  1. Heater Elements: Most experts recommend replacing hot tub heating elements every 2-3 years. However, the lifespan can be extended with regular maintenance and cleaning.
  2. Pressure Switch: The lifespan of a pressure switch can vary, but generally, it should be replaced when it becomes less effective. If you notice the usual time for your hot tub to heat up is increasing, it may be time to replace the pressure switch.
  3. Filters: Hot tub filters should be replaced every 1-2 years, depending on the frequency of hot tub use and the frequency of filter cleaning. The less a hot tub is used and the more regularly the filters are cleaned, the longer they will last.
  4. Spa Controls: Most topside spa panels will last 10 years. If you have had repeated and mysterious failures to the circuit board every few years, it may be a good time to replace the entire spa pack.
  5. Water Pumps: Spa circulation pumps are low-flow, single-speed pumps that run 24 hrs to keep your water filtered and heated. They run all the time but are low energy use. Running all the time does accelerate wear and tear, and makes the average "circ pump" low speed on a two-speed pump lifespan of about 7-9 years.

Please note that these are general guidelines and actual replacement times can vary based on usage, maintenance, and other factors. Always consult with a professional if you’re unsure. Regular maintenance can help extend the lifespan of these components.





International is Email ONLY due to translation 


We extend the service of part identification request assistance as a courtesy. The onus of determining the requisite parts for purchase, addressing any compatibility issues, and bearing all costs associated with installation, inclusive of those emanating from compatibility issues, rests entirely with the buyer.

QUALITY SPA PARTS disclaims all responsibility for any harm, loss, or damage that may arise from the utilization or malfunction of a product. 

Our liability is expressly confined to the replacement of parts deemed defective under the terms of the manufacturer’s warranty.